The Generative AI
Platform for Weather

Harnessing AI to understand and continually optimize business action on weather impacts.

Generative AI Weather Forecasts
+ Deep Learning Impacts
= Notus.Ai

Generative AI makes it possible to pull weather impact signals from the noisest datasets.

Decades of History.

Utilize extensive historical weather data and impact to discern long-term trends and patterns.

Short Term Action.

Employ real-time Generative AI Forecasts to understand the exact demand impact the weather is causing.

Long Term Planning.

Leverage predictive analytics for long term planning.

Generative AI Weather Impact
for Historicals and Forecasts

Near Unlimited Resolution.

  • Product level impacts, including those without selling history
  • Location specific down to the Postal Code
  • Seasonal Sensitivity to changing environments.

Understand Detailed Weather Impacts
With a Single Click

Not your average point forecast. Consumer Level rollups across geographies and time periods.

  • Weather and Impact in one place
  • Population and Product Specific Aggregations
  • Global Coverage

Automate Ad Targeting and Budgets
by Weather Impact

Leverage weather-driven insights to adjust ad campaigns and budgets automatically, optimizing performance for your advertising partners.

  • Weather-based ad targeting and budget adjustments
  • Tailored strategies for specific geographies and weather conditions
  • Comprehensive global weather data integration

Why Notus?

Harness our Gen AI engines to reduce uncertainity and become more proactive in your businesses response to weather signals.

Industry impacts

Baseline Weather Impact for over 40 (and growing) product verticals out of the box.

Custom for your business

Generative AI weather impact for your products with your customers.

Country to city level rollups.

Total weather and impact matched to every customer.

Forecasts out to 15 months

Plan over a year out.

Near Unlimited Spatial Resolution

Generative AI allows for exact targeting when needed.

All Major Cloud providers supported.

Data available in your data warehouse for your internal reporting and action points

More Action and Less

Proven results, 500% Marketing lifts, Higher GMROIIs, Lower Stockouts.

  • Digital Marketing
  • Site Customization
  • Planning & Supply Chain

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